The Mission Committee, whose members are Novabiom employees, reports directly to Novabiom's Corporate Mission. Novabiom's corporate mission. It met last September to take stock of this first year of operation.
We talk to Chantal and Alexandra, the Committee's president and secretary, about their missions and operations.
Can you tell us more about how the Novabiom Mission Committee came into being?
The ambition to become a Société à Mission was born with the desire to update the company's Raison d'être. This work began in June 2022, with most of the employees taking part in the proposed workshops to rewrite a raison d'être together.
This work was accompanied by Isabelle Mallézé, a lawyer for many years, and today a "solution facilitator and link weaver". She is a consultant in organization and project engineering for companies, entrepreneurs and project leaders.
This teamwork, complemented by exchanges within the company's Board of Directors, led to the drafting of the new raison d'être :
"Creating high-quality, environmentally-friendly miscanthus solutions with local farmers".
The Mission has 5 social and environmental objectives:
- "Committed to regenerative agriculture, a solution for the environment that restores life to the soil, stores carbon, preserves water quality and promotes biodiversity, in order to pass on a better earth to future generations.
- Help farmers succeed in their project: planting, producing and promoting their miscanthus crop.
- Participate in a local dynamic that enables farmers to recreate links through the use of miscanthus in short, low-carbon circuits, in the service of a circular economy.
- Cultivate a spirit of innovation, actively contributing to the development of new bio-based products with high environmental value.
- Putting quality at the heart of human relations and corporate actions.
The company's raison d'être, social and environmental objectives and Mission Committee were officially added to the company's Articles of Association, following adoption by Novabiom's Annual General Meeting on February 8, 2023.
To become a company with a mission, we had to draw up our raison d'être, then define our social and environmental objectives and create a Mission Committee to monitor our raison d'être.
The notion of "Mission-driven Company" is a quality recognized by companies that guarantee respect for social and environmental commitments. A Mission-driven company aims to make a positive contribution to society and the environment by achieving the objectives it has set itself.(https://entreprendre.service-public.fr/vosdroits/F37408)
What are the committee's main missions?
The Committee's role is to ensure that the mission is carried out. To this end, it draws up an annual report, which is attached to the management report and presented to the Annual General Meeting. The Committee is also responsible for ensuring that the proposed actions are implemented.
This meaningful approach has aroused the interest of the entire Novabiom team. Members are voluntary employees approved by the Management Committee for 1 year, renewable, as well as a management representative.
During this first year of the Mission Committee, what were the main actions implemented at Novabiom?
We work with action families (Development and Innovation, Quality, etc.). For this first year, we have identified the actions already in place at Novabiom and which are already in line with the company's Mission Statement.
We can mention a few actions, such as :
- more room to encourage the use of mechanical weeding tools in the first few months after planting.
- encourage training within the team, so that we can continue to improve our skills and better meet the needs of our customers: farmers, local authorities, chip users...
- carry out the company's Carbon Footprint to target areas for improvement.
And in 2025, the action continues!