

Multiple uses and growing prospects

Miscanthus uses: the intrinsic qualities of miscanthus enable it to meet a wide range of needs. Firstly, it can be used as a renewable fuel. It is also suitable as an ecological building material. What's more, it can be used to make bedding and horticultural mulch. It can also be used as a basis for the production of bio-sourced plastics. Finally, it can also be used in the manufacture of insulating materials. In short, miscanthus offers a multitude of applications, making it a versatile resource.

A very high performance litter

Miscanthus is used as litter, particularly for poultry, horses and cattle. The spongy core of its stems makes it highly absorbent, offering superior hygiene to conventional litter. Click here to read testimonials from farmers who use miscanthus as poultry litter.
Poultry Litter Sheet
Equine Litter Sheet
Cattle Litter Sheet
Testimonials and meetings

Miscanthus: a quality biofuel

Miscanthus is a dry biofuel of regular quality, which secures the supply on the long term. Used in mobile grate boilers, it feeds boiler rooms of all sizes for individual, collective or industrial actors who want to create territory projects with an ecological and local fuel.


An effective horticultural mulch

Miscanthus offers other notable advantages: Firstly, it is highly effective against weed regrowth, providing excellent protection for the plant. Secondly, its stability to wind and run-off water makes it an ideal choice for exposed areas. In short, its high water retention capacity helps limit evaporation during hot spells.

Miscanthus also decomposes naturally, providing beneficial mineral inputs for the soil. What's more, its light appearance contributes to the aesthetics of flowerbeds and plantings. Finally, thanks to its neutral pH, it does not acidify the soil, preserving its balance.

Fiche_Paillage Horticole

A building material with great potential

Miscanthus uses in construction: Miscanthus has many applications in the composition of different materials. In particular, it is used in the manufacture of insulating panels, offering an environmentally-friendly solution for the thermal insulation of buildings. Miscanthus can also be effectively integrated into bio-concretes, helping to create sustainable, environmentally-friendly structures. It can also be effectively integrated into bio-sourced plastics.

Mickaël Huard© (in French)

A rich fauna cover

Miscanthus is of great value as a wildlife cover. It creates a permanent habitat that serves as a refuge for many game species. These animals find miscanthus an abundant source of food, thanks in particular to the rich microfauna that thrives in these plots. In this way, miscanthus promotes biodiversity by providing an environment conducive to the life and feeding of various animal species.

Miscanthus : A rich fauna cover

Miscanthus fiber in the feed ration of dairy cows

Breeders also use miscanthus in dairy cattle rations. The fibers present in miscanthus play an essential role in this practice. Feedback from farmers points to the following advantages: improved rumination thanks to miscanthus's scraping power, which leads to a reduction in acidosis, greater value added to rations and an improvement in the general condition of the animals.


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