Miscanthus giganteus: a giant full of resources, cultivated in France since 2006
Miscanthus is a perennial grass belonging to the Poaceae family. It is grown in France and Europe. Miscanthus giganteus is harvested in France. It's a natural, sterile hybrid. It grows from non-invasive rhizomes.
Miscanthus giganteus canes can reach a height of 4 meters. They are harvested when they are dry at the end of their senescence, between March and April, when their moisture content is below 17%.
Learn more about Miscanthus x giganteus: https: //mots-agronomie.inra.fr/index.php/Miscanthus_:_une_culture_nouvelle_en_France
Miscanthus giganteus offers very high productivity, up to 20 tonnes per hectare per year, and an environmentally-friendly cultivation method.
After the first year of planting, miscanthus requires neither plant protection products nor systematic fertilization. That's why this crop is increasingly being planted in collaboration with local authorities to protect water catchment areas or combat erosion. Miscanthus is eligible for CAP eco-regimes.
Miscanthus offers a wide range of usesmiscanthus offers a wide range of uses, including biofuel for biomass boilers, bedding for cattle, poultry, horses and pets, horticultural mulch, bio-sourced plastics and insulating biomaterials.