Multifunctionality of miscanthus plots

Miscanthus plots provide a wide range of ecosystem or environmental services. Miscanthus, a perennial crop, is planted for twenty years or so and provides a response toclimate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. The ecosystem services rendered can also be mobilized to address other environmental issues: a plot of miscanthus is multifunctional!

As part of the MisTigationproject, we inventoried the services provided by a plot of miscanthus, following the framework of the CICES (Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services), a classification resulting from the work of the European Environment Agency.

To read the summary : 24 10 25 Summary of miscanthus ecosystem services

A point to note in the analysis: the CICES classification provides an exhaustive inventory of ecosystem services, but does not directly identify the most important and distinctive services provided by miscanthus. These include water protection, carbon storage and erosion control. Studying the water quality protection service provided by miscanthus is therefore one of the main objectives of the MisEauVert project, which began in January 2024, led by INRAE Estrées-Mons, and bringing together a consortium of four INRAE research units and Novabiom.


This work was carried out as part of the Mistigation research project - Mobilizing miscanthus ecosystem services to mitigate climate change. INRAE (Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement) is leading the project, in partnership with Novabiom, Junia Lille and the University of Gembloux.

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